While not so visually stunning, this picture (barely) shows the several ton chunk of mountain that crumbled off while we were standing at the edge of the cone (it's the rock just right of the center, as well as some of the debris to the left).  Apparently our guide was serious when he kept saying, "muy peligroso."
| 192x128 | 384x255 | 768x511 | 1536x1021 | 3008x2000 |

While not so visually stunning, this picture (barely) shows the several ton chunk of mountain that crumbled off while we were standing at the edge of the cone (it's the rock just right of the center, as well as some of the debris to the left). Apparently our guide was serious when he kept saying, "muy peligroso."

Copyright 2005 Oliver Stewart
Image Name: dsc_1065.jpg
Owned by oliver
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This image is also in: guate2005 (Roll)