The deadly assassin bug sucks your blood for about 6 hours while you sleep, then poops before it leaves.  Don't scratch, or you might get Chagas (a charming disease that lays dormant for 10-20 years then makes your heart swell until you have a heart attack) from its feces.  Supposedly Costa Rica is clean and the bugs don't carry Chagas.  Looks like we'll find out in 10-20 years, because Beata found one in our car.  Yeek.
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The deadly assassin bug sucks your blood for about 6 hours while you sleep, then poops before it leaves. Don't scratch, or you might get Chagas (a charming disease that lays dormant for 10-20 years then makes your heart swell until you have a heart attack) from its feces. Supposedly Costa Rica is clean and the bugs don't carry Chagas. Looks like we'll find out in 10-20 years, because Beata found one in our car. Yeek.

Copyright 2005 Oliver Stewart
Image Name: dsc_2221.jpg
Owned by oliver
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This image is also in: costa-rica-2005 (Album)